Lim Hai Shan's Project Portfolio Page
Project: Wanderlust
WanderLust is a desktop travel planner application. It allows users to plan their trips in a structured and efficient manner. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX.
Summary of Contributions
Code contributed: RepoSense
- Major Enhancements:
- Modified Edit Feature from AB3 to Wanderlust
- What it does: The command modifies object’s parameters.
- Justifications: As a user, they need to be able to modify and update old details easily. There is a variety of parameters that can be edited. The command will validate parameters provided by the user according to specified type of object before editing.
- Highlights:
- The feature is available for all 4 different types of objects with Wanderlust (
- The feature is available for all 4 different types of objects with Wanderlust (
- Relevant pull requests: #96, #101
- Modified Find Feature from AB3 to Wanderlust
- What it does: The command show a list of object whose name matches the keyword provided.
- Justification: Within the travelplanner, the user needs to be able to find key items quickly.
can help to identity specific objects. User can have an easier time finding object they are interested in. - Highlights:
- The feature is available for the 3 travelplan objects (
) - The feature will display a list of object that matches the keyword.
- The feature is available for the 3 travelplan objects (
- Relevant pull requests: #137
- Modified Edit Feature from AB3 to Wanderlust
- Minor Enhancements:
- Implemented
in model #54 - What it does: Allows the user to add a person that contains details about the passport, mobile and name.
- Justifications: The user may be traveling in groups. Hence, there is a need to keep a list of contact.
- Implemented
- Testing, Bug Fixing & Defensive Programming:
- Project management:
- Attend weekly meetings
- Take down notes in shared team project document
- Manage milestone
- Enhancements to existing features:
- Documentation:
- User Guide:
- Developer Guide:
- Community:
- Total PRs reviewed: 16
- PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #99
- Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class Reported 11 Bugs in PED